Friday, December 9, 2011

Visions of love

I apologize for not posting much the past few weeks. Life has been very troubling for me lately, and I'm working hard at keeping my feet under me. One thing that has helped me a lot during this time is reading the new book Daughters of My Kingdom about the history and purposes of Relief Society. After watching the video about this book, which I put in my last post, I found my copy I had received at church, and I started reading.

This book has given me a great spiritual boost of compassion and kindness towards others. I am so touched by how Relief Society sisters have, from the beginning, been motivated in all they do by love and mercy. There are so many stories told of how the Relief Society sisters, either in organized efforts or individually, found ways to love and serve their fellow sisters throughout the world, especially in times of famine, war, economic poverty, in widowhood, and when testimonies are tried and questioned. Relief Society has always been there.

As I read, I remember a vision I once had of my grandmother serving her fellow Relief Society sisters. There was a large Relief Society luncheon being held at church, and I had been asked to work in the kitchen that day, preparing and serving the food. As I worked alongside my sisters, I suddenly envisioned my grandmother, who had passed away several years before, working alongside us, laughing with the women, working hard at getting the food ready, all with a smile on her face. This 'vision' of my grandmother was so overwhelming (because I love her and miss her so) I had to step outside for a few minutes to cry.

My gramma - Alice Herker
Later, I was talking to my mother on the phone, and I told her about this experience. She said that if my grandmother (her mother-in-law) had actually been there at that luncheon, the kitchen is where you would have found her, because she was always finding something to do to help someone else. She hated to be idle. My mother also said my grandmother used to be a Relief Society branch president in Iowa (I'm guessing at least 50 years ago now) and she would drive for hours and hours all over the state to visit with the sisters and attend to their needs. Such dedication. 

It warms my heart to know that, as I read this book, I have personal ties to the heritage of Relief Society through my mother and my grandmother. It also warms my heart to think of all the Relief Society sisters throughout the world, converts to the church as my mother and grandmother were, who are learning about and teaching the mission of Relief Society to future generations of wives and mothers, strengthening the entire world one precious heart at a time.

God bless you my most beloved sisters, wherever in the world you live, whatever language you read this post in. I love you and I am thankful for you.

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